Terry McDonough
Managing Director
Hola! I’m Terry and I’m here to keep the lights on and the machines fed. I also act as Optic Jam’s in-house software developer.
My background is in research where I specialise in cognitive linguistics, specifically meaning and understanding in humans and machines. I’m interested in how the human brain generates meaning and if that feat might be replicated in machines.
After 14 years in public universities, and unfortunate health incident, I realised that private enterprise was the best way to pursue my goals. In practice, then, a commitment to generative systems that support UX design and infrastructure.
Here’s a snapshot of my career so far:
| Book Chapters |
McDonough, T.D. (2014). Language. In Dobbs, S. (Ed.). English Language, Literature and Creative Writing: A Practical Guide for Students. London: Anthem Press. pp. 3-20.
| Peer-Reviewed Articles |
McDonough, T.D. (2019). Review of Browse (2018) Cognitive Rhetoric. Journal of Language and Politics (In press).
McDonough, T.D. (2019). Editorial: Reflections at the Crossroads. PRISM 2(2). pp. 1-3.
McDonough, T.D. (2019). Review of Chilton and Kopytowska (2018) Religion, Language, and the Human Mind. Language and Cognition 10(4). pp. 720-727.
McDonough, T.D. (2019). Review of Richardson (2017) British Fascism: A Discourse-Historical Analysis. Discourse and Society 30(1). pp. 103-114.
McDonough, T.D. (2018). Containment and Division: Evaluating class-based metaphors in Higher Education. PRISM 2(1). pp. 144-148.
McDonough, T.D. (2018). Mind your language: why HE-in-FE is a divisive phrase. AoC Scholarship Project. Available at: https://www.aoc.co.uk/april-2018-mind-your-language-why-he-in-fe-divisive-phrase-promotes-inequality-terry-mcdonough
McDonough, T.D. (2017). Review of Charteris-Black (2016) Fire Metaphors: Discourses of Awe and Authority. Discourse and Communication 11(6). pp. 648-656.
McDonough, T.D. (2017). Editorial: Creating a Third Space. PRISM 1(1). pp. 8-20.
McDonough, T.D. (2008). The New American Empire and the Electronic Revolution. East Lancashire Research Journal 1(2). pp. 107-124.
| Conference Papers |
McDonough, T.D. (2018). Simulating Meaning in the Brain. Linguistics and English Language Annual Conference. Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK. 12th July 2018.
McDonough, T.D. (2018). Seasons, Cycles, and Journeys: How We Think About Change. Ageing, Generational Change and Social Solidarity: Managing Diversity in Ageing Societies. University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Wroclaw, Poland. 9th to 10th July 2018.
McDonough, T.D. (2018). A Neural Theory of Discourse Coherence. Annual R&S Conference 2018. University Centre at Blackburn College. 4th July 2018.
McDonough, T.D. (2018). Meaning and the Machine: Beyond the Symbol-Grounding Problem. The Future is Now: Utopia, Dystopia and the Crises of Tomorrow. University Centre at Blackburn College. 23rd to 25thth May 2018.
McDonough, T.D. (2018). Metaphors of the Market. Discourse Net 20. Karoli Gaspar University, Budapest, Hungary. 17th to 19th May 2018.
McDonough, T.D. (2017). Imagining the Market: Simulation and Grounded Cognition. A Neoliberal Nightmare: Beyond the Populist Insurgence? A CDSS Network Seminar. University Centre at Blackburn College. 10th to 12th May 2017.
McDonough, T.D. (2016). Fields of Conceptual Coherence: Or How Making Sense “Makes Sense”. 6th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference. Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd. 19th to 22nd July 2016.
McDonough, T.D. (2016). Cognitive Economies: The Entrenchment of the Market in the Discourse of Pedagogic Life. Critical Pedagogies, Power & Possibilities: Strategies for Difference and Solidarity in Contemporary Societies. A Cultural Difference and Social Solidarity Network Workshop. University Centre at Blackburn College, Blackburn. 18th to 20th May 2016.
McDonough, T.D. (2010). Nurturing Nature: Teaching Language as a Social Practice. Liverpool College Annual Research Conference. May 2010.
| Funded Projects |
Member, Language in the Human-Machine Era (LITHME), EU COST Action CA19102, European Cooperation in Science and Technology, 2020-2024, OC-2019-1-23689
Member, Enhancing Employability Through Community Challenge, Higher Education Academy (HEA) Teaching Development Grant, 2012-2013
| Invited Talks |
Foundations for a Constructionist Theory of Discourse Coherence. SONY CSL Paris. 11th April 2020.
Using Embodied Construction Grammar to Describe Local Coherence Effects. DisTex research group. Lancaster University. 16th March 2020.
Co-constructing Coherent Realities: A (Critical) Cognitive Linguistic Perspective. Edge Hill Social Science Seminar Series. Edge Hill University. 23rd January 2019.
A Polar Bear’s Nose and a Flying Pig: Your Brain on Language. UCBC Humanities and Social Science Lecture Series. UCBC. 21st February 2018.
Cognitive Dynamite: Child Language Acquisition and the Developing Brain. Early Childhood Studies Symposium. UCBC. 24th November 2016